We are all controlled by reinforcement of rule 
passed by those who are merely the tools 
of a system where achievement is based on deceit 
of the masses by someone in whom they believe 
we are all controlled by the straight line thinking 
of straight line thinkers who gave up drinking and smoking 
as sins to avoid being lower than their aspirations 
would allow them to go we are all controlled by fear of the unknown 
because we're not told all there is to know about things 
we consider as normal existence so we accept exploitation 
and show no resistance we are all controlled in our thoughts 
and actions by things we were told by past generations of parents 
who used to rebel just the same as we do now so who gets the blame? 
we are the rebels like the rebels before us pre-destined 
to scream in an out of tune chorus of voices repeating 
the words of the past that diffuse in the process of aging 
too fast deep in the soul if there is one it tells you to do 
as you fell not as someone outside you dictated through 
their own misguided conception of what part 
we must play in this game of deception